What is an HTML Element?

We will try to provide all information in both written and video forms. Use either or both depending on our learning style.

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HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.  What do those words mean?

When you see "hypertext" think links. Hypertext connects websites and webpages together so you can go from one page or site to another.

Markup is like when your English teacher marks up an essay you've written with editing symbols like italics or new paragraph. Except instead of corrections these "markups" label your web page text to tell the browser (like Chrome) how to display it.

For example, the red mark in the image below would be a teacher's "markup" and the second is the kind of markup language used in HTML to make web pages.


Image 1: Teacher’s Markup

Image 2: HTML


Exercise 1: Hello, World

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  • Programmers write and save their code using an IDE (integrated development environment).

    Usually this is an application we download onto our computers. For now, we will use a cloud-based (online) IDE called Code Sandbox.

    Click here for a Code Sandbox Template to use for our Hello, World exercise.

    Take a moment to look over the HTML that is already there. What do you notice about the way the HTML is organized? What comes first? What comes last?

    Click in between the <h1> and </h1> on line 7 and write the words Hello World.

    Press S and the Control key to save.

    What happens to the preview box on the right?

    To keep your Hello World HTML file, you will need to sign up using your Google account.n text goes here